Niche Scraper

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Product Scraper

Find the perfect winning product using our advanced filters and analysis on millions of products.
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  • Category Only show products scraped from this AliExpress category.
  • Subcategory Only show products scraped from this AliExpress sub category.
  • Total Orders Only show products that received this many orders over the last 6 months.
  • Price Only show products in the selected price range
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  • Weekly Orders Only show products that received this many orders over the last 7 days.
  • Competition Score How competitive or saturated a product may be. Lower numbers mean less competition.
  • Growth Rate How fast a product has grown over the last 7 days.
  • AliScore The overall dropshipping "potential" a product has. Higher is better.
  • Top Country Show products that are selling well to customers in this country.
  • Has Video Only show products with supplier videos
  • Ships From US Show products that have a US shipping option
Product Search
Products With:
In Title
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  • Category We rely on shop data to assign categories. Product results may be limited.
  • Business Type Filter by products from stores that are verified as dropshippers.
  • Max Product Price Only show products within a specific price range.
  • Product Added Only show products that have been added to a store within a specific time range.
Product Search
Products With:
In Title
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  • Category The category of the product provided by Amazon
  • BSR Amazon's "best sellers rank". The lower the rank, the more sales the product has compared to others in the same category.
  • Price Only show products in the selected price range
  • Review Count Only show products that have the specified number of reviews
  • Has Video Only show products with supplier videos
Product Search
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